The most important factor in the long-term forest management is the forest culture, which means a series of the forest management activities in combination with use of timber; as follows:
Seed management
The company has seed producing stand of 391.2 ha (beech, pedunculated oak and common oak and Turkey oak). Silver linden gene reservation in Zselic region is especially important that saves the gene supply of the excellent silver linden available in Zselic region. Forestry units collect the seeds in their own authority. The missing seeds are purchased by SEFAG Mag - Csemete Ltd and provided to the users. Seed trade is also coordinated by the before mentioned company as well as they store the seeds in their cold-storage plants.
Sapling production
Safety of sapling production and of artificial forestation and supplement is guaranteed by SEFAG Mag - Csemete Ltd. To meet the sapling requirements we purchase sapling from private growers, too. The excess sapling not necessary for our company is sold to customers. Ornamental plants are grown and sold in sapling nursery in Zákány in Iharos forestry.
Renewal of the forests
Our forests are renewed by natural and artificial ways. Unfortunately, natural renewal is limited by tree stand and production conditions. The beech forests are renewed by natural way but in case of the common oak and Turkey oak these ways can be applied partly only. It is due to the production conditions typical in the area as well as to damages caused by the drought and cockchafers. Turkey oak forests occurring in the oak area are gradually changed to oak forests that can be completed by artificial way only. The yearly average value of the artificial plantation in the last ten years is approximately 770 ha. Unfortunately, because of the worsening environmental conditions, ratio of the supplement is high and was continuously increasing in the last ten years and 550 ha/year. The purpose in the forestation procedure is to establish the stand of mixed indigenous tree varieties. For this purpose the company spends a lot of money.
Forest cultivation
The purpose of the forest cultivation activity (completed cultivation, cleaning, thinning by selection) is to develop the valuable multi-levelled tree stands. It is the best living space for the forest communities and on the other hand the producing power can be saved and even increased by this way. When we contribute to the development of the forests we consider the variety composition of the natural forest associations. The last thinning procedures aim at preparation of the natural forest renewal. Forest cultivation is one of the activities requiring much professional knowledge therefore out employees are regularly trained to make them able to meet the expectations.
Forest plantation
In the last two years we planted 240 ha new forest. In the next decade we plan to establish 120-150 ha new forests yearly; mainly with indigenous tree varieties.
Protection of forests
Unfortunately many damages (qualitative and quantitative) occurred in our forests in the last years. The most important damaging factors were drought and cockchafers. It increased the supplement costs. Costs of pest control against the cockchafers are also very high. The old trees are damaged by decreasing groundwater level. In 2005 and 2006 the gipsy moth grub caused much damage in the Turkey oak stand.
Forestry services
We give advise to private forest managers and people who want to plant new forest. We prepare executive plans and complete the plans. Saplings and seeds are provided by SEFAG Mag-Csemete Ltd. Do not hesitate to contact the forestry units.
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